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Overview on the Investments and Treasury Sector

The Board of Directors of the Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) has sensed a steady growth in its financing activities, followed by a major growth in the administrative and operational expenses of the fund. This has led to pressuring the resources of the fund and its financial reserves.  Based on that, the fund has sought to take measures that mainly aim to develop its financial resources and find sustainable sources of income. This effort started with developing the Investments and Treasury sector, which is deemed rather new in the fund.

The main objective of the sector is to reduce the reliance on the fund’s public reserves, as well as protect capital through taking measures and precautions that  expand the fund's investment base in the various asset categories, as well as reinforce efficiency in order to enhance and develop revenues on the long term. All of this will contribute to funding the fund’s administrative, operational, and financial expenses. This will specifically happen through developing the fund’s assets and seizing the proper investment opportunities. Eventually, this will help the fund play its desired development role in the Saudi economy, in accordance with the ADF’s vision  and strategy 2016-2020, as well as  the current changes in the investment and economic environment of KSA.

Last updated: 6/12/2024 6:44
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